Since its inception, our generous community has come together annually to enjoy networking, catching up with friends, live music and bidding on exclusive auction items to support families affected by autism.
The events of the past years encouraged people to reflect on healthcare and equality. We know our guests are community-minded, want to see change and make a difference as autism prevalence continues to rise.
If you haven’t already bought tickets for our upcoming Gala, we hope you do so.
The Autism Society of Alabama provides education, advocacy, and meaningful programs for individuals on the spectrum and their families. These efforts include camps, conferences, sibling support groups, safety initiatives, scholarships and other vital programs. To learn more, please visit www.autism-alabama.org
Our organization is always looking for new members and sponsors to join us in our important mission. The generosity of our sponsors combined with our powerful cause, have helped us not only survive, but thrive and grow into what we are today.